
BFA - Rotary Partnership Program Introduced at Rotary International Convention

June 8th, 2017

This summer, Books For Africa was at the Rotary International convention in Atlanta June 10 - 14 to host an information booth and provide tours of our BFA warehouse.  An exciting new BFA/Rotary partnership program was introduced at the convention!


Africa's economic potential is waiting to be tapped

Carlos Dos Santos & Jeffrey Sturchio

Star Tribune

June 4th, 2017

Business and government leaders understand that business investment alone will not have a significant impact on Africa's success. It will take a combination of the work of NGOs such as St. Paul-based Books For Africa and US AID support for developing countries, whose funding faces possible severe cuts. Since 1988 BFA has shipped 39 million school and law books to 49 African countries. Books are critical to the education of Africa's students and future workforce.  


Open University of Tanzania Celebrates Donation of Textbooks and Law Library

May 26th, 2017

In May 2017, The Open University of Tanzania, in collaboration with Poverty Eradication Network (PEN) Trust, received a container of BFA books, including a brand new Law & Human Rights Library delivered by the Books For Africa Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative.


Words Change Worlds Fundraising Luncheon Headlines Great Day of Events

May 23rd, 2017

On May 18, 2017, Books For Africa held its annual Words Change Worlds fundraising luncheon in St. Paul, Minnesota. This year's keynote speaker was His Excellency Ambassador Carlos Dos Santos, Mozambique’s Ambassador to the United States.  We were also pleased to welcome His Excellency Maowia Khalid, Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to the U.S., and Jeffrey Sturchio, president of the Corporate Council on Africa, as featured speakers.


Amy Klobuchar Words Change Worlds Luncheon Video

May 19th, 2017

Senator Klobuchar could not join us for the 2017 Words Change Worlds fundraising luncheon, but she sent this wonderful video to kick off the event!


The Importance Of Books - 2017 Video

May 19th, 2017

In this video, we talk to BFA supporters and recipients about the importance of getting books requested by African countries into the hands of students and community members who need them.