
View the Books For Africa 2010 Annual Report

February 3rd, 2011

The Books For Africa 2010 Annual Report is now available. See how many shipments of books we sent and to which African countries, plus a quick summary of all the exciting events and initiatives from the past year. Click on the link above to view...


Botswana Book Project Distributes BFA Books to 107 Schools and Charities

January 26th, 2011

Pam Shelton and her colleagues at the Botswana Book Project sorted and distributed over 28,000 BFA books in southern Botswana in September 2010. The books were given to teachers, Peace Corps Volunteers, and representatives from Rotary clubs, hospitals and clinics, and multiple charities, such as Kagisano Society Woman's Shelter Project. Click on the link above to view more photos and to read more about the book distribution...