
Buy a BFA T-shirt from Out of Print!

November 12th, 2010

Now you can buy a BFA T-shirt from anywhere in the world from the Out of Print website! Proceeds from shirt sales will be used to send even more books to children in Africa. Click on the link above for more details...


African Literature Conference a Big Success

November 11th, 2010

Books For Africa hosted two events celebrating modern African literature on October 9, 2010. The first was a Conference on African Literature at the Humphrey Center at the University of Minnesota, featuring a panel discussion and readings from three distinguished authors: Alexandra Fuller (Zimbabwe), Uwem Akpan (Nigeria), and Billy Karanja Kahora (Kenya). Thomson Reuters was the Presenting Sponsor. Click on the link above for more info and to view event photos...


The National Bar Association Sends Law and Human Rights Books to Ghana

November 4th, 2010

In June of 2010, a delegation from the National Bar Association, led by NBA President Mavis T. Thompson, witnessed the distribution of a BFA shipment of books sponsored by their organization. The Ghana Bar Association received a West core law library, and the Ghana Human Rights Commission received a collection of new human rights books, all generously donated by Thomson Reuters.


Law & Democracy Initiative Delivers Books to the University of Malawi Law School

October 26th, 2010

Tammie Follett, representing Thomson Reuters, recently visited the University of Malawi – Chancellor College Faculty of Law, which received law books through the Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative of Books For Africa. Follett met with the Dean, Dr. Fidelis Edge Kanyongolo, who spoke of the great need for attorneys and legal resources in Malawi. Click on the link above for more info and photos...


U.S. Ambassador Symington and Peace Corps Volunteers Deliver BFA Books to Rwandan Schools

October 25th, 2010

In April of 2010, U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda Stuart Symington and a group of Peace Corps Volunteers delivered 22,000 BFA books to 41 schools in Rwanda. The container was funded by the U.S. Embassy and USAID/Rwanda, in consultation with the Ministry of Education. Officiating at a book distribution at Groupe Scolaire Mukamira, Ambassador Symington told the students, "“Learning is good and interesting when you share with others. Make sure you read those books to your brothers and sisters." Click on the link above for more info...


Books For Africa Covered by Minnesota Public Radio

October 12th, 2010

Minnesota Public Radio recently did a great story on Books For Africa in conjunction with last weekend's Conference on African Literature. Click on the link above to read or listen to the story...