
Books For Africa Research Presented at African Studies Association Annual Meeting

December 1st, 2009

Books For Africa–commissioned research was presented at the annual meeting of the African Studies Association held from November 19-22, 2009, in New Orleans, Louisiana. A paper entitled “Can Donated English-Language School Books Increase Literacy Levels in Africa? An Exploratory Investigation From Tanzania” was presented by BFA Executive Director Patrick Plonski, Ph.D. Key findings from Plonski’s research were that (1) United States donated English-language text and library books did increase reading comprehension scores in a year-long pre-test/post-test control group design in Tanzania; (2) that the books had perceived value by teachers and administrators in the schools included in the study; and (3) that this research can serve as a source of information confirming the value of book donations and that further research regarding the cost effectiveness of such book donations is warranted in other locations in Africa. Click on the link above for more info and to read the research paper...


Oprah's Angel Network Funds Shipment to Eshowe, South Africa

November 25th, 2009

Books For Africa recently sent a 40-foot container of approximately 22,000 books to the Eshowe region of South Africa. A generous grant from Oprah's Angel Network funded the shipment. The Principal at Little Flower Primary School in Eshowe writes, "You will never know how much we appreciate this wonderful donation. It means so much to the school and the learners." Click on the link above to read more and view photos.


BFA Books Inspire Students at Nigerian Christian Institute

November 12th, 2009

After a 40-foot container of BFA books was delivered to Nigerian Christian Institute in Uyo, over 200 students wrote letters of gratitude expressing how the shipment had inspired them "to become great citizens of the world." The shipment of approximately 22,000 books was sponsored by the Ladies Association for Christian Education at the Schrader Lane Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Click on the link above to read a full report...


University of Hargeisa President Tours BFA Warehouse

November 10th, 2009

Dr. Hussein A. Bulhan, President/Chancellor of the University of Hargeisa, Somaliland (Somalia), recently visited the BFA warehouse in Minnesota. Dr. Bulhan visited with Books For Africa officials, including President-elect Tom Gitaa and BFA Minnesota warehouse manager April Gilbert, to discuss plans for shipping a container of books to the University of Hargeisa. Books For Africa can ship a container of 18,000 university level books to Hargeisa for approximately 72 cents per book. Many of these books carry a retail valuation of $100!


Better World Books Receives BFA’s First Annual Kilimanjaro Society Award of Merit

October 20th, 2009

Better World Books received Books For Africa’s first annual Kilimanjaro Society Award of Merit at the Kilimanjaro Society breakfast on October 3. Patrick Plonski, BFA Executive Director, said, “The tremendous support that Better World Books has provided in terms of increasing literacy across the African continent for millions of people is almost too much to calculate. Their support of Books For Africa has been in excess of $2 million since 2003 in cash and many millions of dollars worth of donated books.” Click on link above to read more...