
James Kiiru, Commercial Attaché to the Kenyan Embassy, Praises BFA's Work at Atlanta Warehouse Opening

June 9th, 2009

At the grand opening of Books For Africa's new warehouse in the Atlanta metropolitan area in May 2009, James Kiiru, the Commercial Attaché to the Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC, praised BFA's work on behalf of the Honorable Peter Ogego, Kenya’s Ambassador to the U.S.: "Africa will forever be grateful to Books For Africa as its efforts continue to positively impact education development on the continent. It is good to know that someone cares. The Kenyan Embassy will do everything in its powers support you, as it believes in your dream." Click on the link to read a Mshale article and view photos of the grand opening.


Cairo University, Recent BFA Book Recipient and Host to President Obama

June 4th, 2009

President Obama recently gave a speech at Cairo University, which received a shipment of BFA books last March. The 40-foot sea container of approximately 18,000 books was sent to the university thanks to a grant from the OPEC Fund for International Development. Nine other containers were also sent through this grant to six North African countries to enhance schools and libraries by providing educational materials.


Report from the National Polytechnic Bambui in Cameroon

June 3rd, 2009

ASEC-NW recently distributed 25,000 BFA books to 32 schools in the North-West region of Cameroon. Dr. John Suh Che is the registrar at National Polytechnic Bambui, one of the recipient schools. Dr. Che says that “the library is now quite busy” and “the quality of the books is wonderful.” Dr. Che also makes a plea for more books, noting that they now have “a total of just 5,500 books for the library of a higher institution of learning, which is of course grossly insufficient.” Click on the link to read more and view photos of the library and school.


Tanzanian Ambassador Speaks to BFA Supporters

May 6th, 2009

The Honorable Ombeni Sefue, Tanzanian Ambassador to the U.S., addressed supporters at Books For Africa's annual fundraising luncheon on April 29, 2009, at the St. Paul Town & Country Club. It was our most successful event to date. Also in attendance was former Vice President Walter Mondale, co-chair of BFA's Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative. Thanks to the generous donations of attendees, Books For Africa will be able to send books to children in parts of Africa where the need is greatest for years to come. Click on the link to view photos of the event...