
Bluffton Nonprofit Donates Thousands of Books for African Schoolchildren

Kyle Jordan


March 19th, 2021

Tens of thousands of children in Kenya will soon have new libraries in their schools thanks to a non-profit based in Bluffton working with Books For Africa, and one man’s efforts that started with a single book.


Books For Africa Interviewed by Book Manufacturers' Institute

March 19th, 2021

Check out this great podcast where Books For Africa was interviewed on Manufacturer’s Library, a production of the Book Manufacturers’ Institute.


Books For Africa Partnership Distributes Books in Ghanaian Schools

March 17th, 2021

Books For Africa worked in partnership with its logistics provider Vector Global Logistics to provide a container of books to Ghana at a time with the young people need it more than ever.


The impact of Minnesota’s INGOs is remarkable

Nicholas Hayen and Mark Ritchie


March 9th, 2021

If this past year has taught us anything, it is that the safety and well-being of people halfway across the world can have a dramatic impact on Minnesotans here at home. From hunger, to civil conflict, to global pandemics, Minnesotans know that we are not truly safe until all of us around the world are safe as well.


South African Girls Start Reading Club with BFA Books

March 8th, 2021

Books For Africa recently heard from Xoli Fuyani, a children’s rights activist based in the Cape Town area of South Africa who recently received books. Her girls have taken the initiative to start a reading club with the books BFA provided.


50 Million and Counting: Ghana Partnership, COVID-19 Mark Books For Africa’s Packed Year

Trevor Williams

Global Atlanta

March 4th, 2021

Books For Africa’s year was filled with milestones, from adapting to COVID-19 to marking the 50 millionth book sent since it began improving literacy and striving to end the continent’s “book famine” 32 years ago.