
Kofi Annan Delivers Keynote Speech at Books For Africa Reception

May 29th, 2018

Books For Africa was thrilled to host a reception honoring former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on May 7th, 2018.  Over 100 key supporters gathered at the University Club of St. Paul for the reception, which was held in recognition of the 30th anniversary of Books For Africa and the 10th anniversary of our law book program, the Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative. 


U.S. Army Partnership Delivers Books to Garoua, Cameroon

April 20th, 2018

On April 19, 2018, U.S. Army Civil Affairs Team(CAT) 4032 delivered 27 boxes of donated books to the Garoua Regional Linguistic Center (Centre Linguistique Regional de Garoua) in Garoua, Cameroon in partnership with Books For Africa.


BFA Board Members Put Boots on the Ground in Uganda, Swaziland

April 4th, 2018

In January 2018, a group of 23 Books For Africa supporters visited Cape Town, South Africa, with the purpose of raising funds in celebration of Books For Africa’s 30th Anniversary.  Following a series of site visits across South Africa, BFA representatives struck out to learn more from recipients about the challenges and success points of their projects.


Africa Trip Leads to New Librarian Training Program, Planned Shipment of Over 176,000 Books

March 28th, 2018

Books For Africa Executive Director Patrick Plonski has spent the past 3 months in Africa building relationships and visiting BFA recipients.  Following a tour celebrating BFA's 30th Anniversary and a series of partner meetings in Cape Town, South Africa,  the first leg of Patrick’s journey took him to Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Kenya.  The second half of his visit included stops in Ethiopia and Seychelles, as well as attending the World Literacy Summit in Oxford, England.