
Books, by the Millions, for Africa

Minnesota Public Radio

October 5th, 2010


Book Partners Meet to Share Ideas

October 1st, 2010

Books For Africa Executive Director Pat Plonski recently visited the offices of Book Aid International in London, England, to share ideas and discuss opportunities for collaboration in shipping more books to children in Africa. Pictured here is the Book Aid team.


Books For Africa Stocks Congressional Library in Liberia with New Books

September 8th, 2010

Congressman Keith Ellison (MN) spent the 4th of July recess in Africa as part of the House Democracy Partnership Commission, which sends members of Congress to mentor the leaders of developing democracies. While in Liberia, Congressman Ellison took part in the unveiling of the upgraded Congressional Library at the University of Liberia in Monrovia. The Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative of Books For Africa provided many of the law books in the library and also at the Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia. The West law books were generously donated by Thomson Reuters. Congressman Ellison delivered additional BFA books during his visit to other locations in Liberia.


BFA Books Arrive in Uganda Thanks to Rotary and Ameriprise

September 7th, 2010

In May of 2010, a BFA container of books was distributed at Kidera Primary School and Tororo Girls School in northern Uganda. Seth Eggessa of the Roseville Rotary in Minnesota spearheaded this project. Seth is originally from Uganda and funded the book shipment with the help of several Rotary clubs and Ameriprise. Click on the link above to view a slideshow of the books being given to the students in Uganda...


Books For Africa Conducts Site Visit in Malawi

August 4th, 2010

Click on the link above to view a video from BFA Executive Director Pat Plonski's visit to Malawi, one of the poorest countries in Africa, in July of 2010. Books For Africa partners with the Malawi National Library Service to distribute books throughout the country, and conducted school visits with the Library Service. This video clip is from a visit to a tobacco plantation school and library outside of Lilongwe. You can see that the students at this location are poor, but are eager and excited to learn and have a very nice library courtesy of Books For Africa and the Malawi National Library Service.