
Operation Gusii Books 2: Mission Accomplished!

August 22nd, 2012

The goal of Operation Gusii Books 2 was simple: bring more books to Gusii community and Kisii County in Kenya. Thanks to a partnership between Minnesota Kenya International Development Association (MKIDA) and BFA, that goal was accomplished. In July, Kisii University College received 500 legal text books from BFA, through MKIDA and the University of Minnesota, along with enough books to fill the libraries of 57 primary schools in surrounding Kisii County.


BFA Executive Director talks about ending the African Book Famine on KSTP (St. Paul, MN)

August 16th, 2012

More than 2 million books to 22 different African countries over the last year? Now that’s a milestone! Here, BFA Executive Director, Patrick Plonski, describes the great achievement of our biggest year yet on KSTP (St. Paul, MN) on August 5, 2012. Plonski talks about how BFA will end the book famine and the great work we have done so far.