
Books Delivered to the Children of Livingstone, Zambia

March 23rd, 2012

The Happy Africa Foundation knows just how exciting 22,000 books can be. So do the children of Zambia after a full container of books was delivered to Livingstone in January 2012! February was brimming with activity as the staff of the Happy Africa Project sorted and delivered all of the books to schools and libraries throughout the region.


InAble and BFA Bring 22,000 Books to Kisumu Kenya

March 6th, 2012

By supporting BFA, you give people access to the endless adventures waiting for someone on the pages of a donated book. Jean Adero, an American working with InAble in Kenya(formerly Our Reading Spaces), reminds us that, “As you drove to work this morning, you were probably thinking about all the tasks before you and wondering how you'd complete everything on your plate, or even whether some of the things on your to-do list matter. Here's a reason why you should know that they matter.”


Gambia: One Million Books for Gambia Reaches NBR

Alhagie Babou Jallowin

All Africa

February 23rd, 2012